February 10, 2025 12:24 PM

Michigan Protests Over Right-To-Work Legislation Continues

In Michigan's capital, Lansing, thousands of people protested the legislation "right-to-work." CNN reported that authorities had to block the entrance of the building on Thursday and that the capacity of the building had exceeded its limit.

Under the bill, if passed, the right to picket and strike would be limited. As groups tried to rush into the state senate, one of the troopers used pepper spray. Eight people have been arrested at the protests and face possible charges.

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder believes the bill will "strengthen Michigan's competitive position relative to its neighbor, Indiana, which has already passed such a bill," reported CNN. He also said on a video posted on his website that he thinks of the bill as "workplace fairness and equity" because "it's about being pro-worker and giving workers the freedom to choose whom they associate with."

CNN reported that Michigan State AFL-CIO President Karla Swift said in a statement on United Auto Workers' website said "The growth rate for right-to-work states before they adopted such policies is actually higher than the growth rate for these states after they adopted these laws. She noted that workers in states that have "right-to-work" make an average of $1,500 less per ear and are also less likely to have benefits and pensions.

The Huffington Post reported that the Michigan's democrats are planning on taking legal action in order to end the lockdown. Michigan House Democrats said in a statement to The Huffington Post, "House Democrats are disappointed in the tactics that the House Republicans are employing at this time with access to the floor. The House Dems are standing firm when it comes to protecting the middle class families in Michigan. Governor Snyder and Legislative Republicans would rather cave into special interests and institute Washington DC style politics by pushing the toxic and divisive partisan wish list of the extremists within their own party than create jobs or fight for fair wages and benefits for ALL residents."

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