February 12, 2025 05:02 AM

Smart & Important Tips When Traveling With A Dog

Traveling with a dog man's requires a lot of preparation. Here is a rundown of the effective tips when traveling with a dog.

Book a Non-Stop Flight When Traveling With A Dog

Like normal people, our dogs do not like the feeling when the plane takes off and lands. Try to schedule your trip so that you will only have one flight instead of a connecting flight.

Know The Airlines Policy About Traveling With A Dog

There is a lot of factors to consider when taking your dog on the plane. If it is a small dog, most airlines will let place your dog in a carrier that fits under the seat with an additional charge. For bigger dogs, it will have to travel in cargo. There are however airlines that do not allow dogs in cargo. Several airlines require updated immunizations and other details about your pet. Some breeds are not even allowed on airplanes. As a pawrent, make sure to know these policies prior to booking nonrefundable tickets, says PETA.

Go For A Long Walk Prior To Travel

Exercise your dog if you plan to take him with you on a travel. According to Hello Giggles, it will help him relax and prepare him for the travel ahead.

Clip Your Dog's Nails When Flying In Cargo

Cargo area where bigger dogs are placed during the flight most of the times has nails or wires. Prior to the scheduled travel, clips your dog's nails to avoid getting their nails stuck in the kennel. Since it is such a high-stress situation, it is best to make sure your dog is prepared.

Conduct Pre-Travel Test Runs

Place your dog in the kennel for several times habitually before the flight. This is to prepare him for the big travel day and to make him familiarize the environment. This will relax him and cause him lesser stress on the flight date.

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