Taylor Swift and Drake are unquestionably attaching, yet not in the way that a considerable lot of us were conjecturing.

The skilled musical pair is supposedly working together; an insider tells E! News, on brand new collaboration, and it is expected to be entirely appealing and preferably not quite the same as anything both of the solo artists has made previously.

For those shocked by the apparently impossible pair, the source from E! uncovers that the music they have been chipping away at is distinctive, yet extremely appealing. The insider added, "They've both been having a great time in the studio."

Bits of gossip surfaced the web like wildfire that something was going ahead between the pop genius and rapper emerged after Swift went to his 30th birthday celebration a week ago in Los Angeles, where she flaunted her conditioned abs and mile-long legs in a dark bandeau top, high-opening leather skirt, and towering spiked heels.

During the celebration, Drake and Taylor were seen talking near the DJ and his arms were over her shoulder for a minute and they totally looked like they were talking about something serious.

Drake and the "We Are Never Getting Back Together" vocalist have been having a fabulous time together while taking a shot at their joint material in the studio, and we have an inclination that the two award winning artists who overall, through a report by Yahoo!, have 11 Grammy Awards and 56 nominations between the have concocted some truly great tunes.

Neither Swift nor Drake has reacted to gossipy tidbits about the said collaboration. Taking after the Toronto rapper's enormous selling "Views" album last April, he has as of late affirmed that another release called 'More Life' will follow this December.