February 14, 2025 09:13 AM

Bergdahl Released [VIDEO]: From Taliban To U.S. Military, Bowe Bergdahl’s Final Handover

Bergdahl released video showed that finally, Bowe Berghdal, a U.S. Army Sergeant, has been handed over to the U.S. military after five years of being held captive by Afghan militants. Taliban had Bergdahl released at last, and the proof is reportedly shown in a 17-minute video given out by Taliban forces.

Bergdahl is a Staff Sgt. working for the U.S., and he was held captive for five years by the Taliban militants. According to Reuters, Bergdahl was released in exchange for five militants who were held at a U.S. jail in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Bowe Bergdahl released video shows the sergeant handed to the American military close to the Afghan border with Pakistan.

In the Bowe Bergdahl released video, Bergdahl was featured with a shaved head, a clean shaven face and outfitted in a white salwar kameez. While waiting to be released, Bergdahl sat inside a white pick-up truck while Taliban militants leaned outside the truck and talked to him. In the Bowe Bergdahl released video, Bergdahl appears to be blinking in the bright light whilst agreeing to what the militants are telling him.

The video of Bowe Bergdahl released also illustrate how the gunmen dotted the hills around the valley, while Blackhawk helicopters above them drew closer to the meeting point. A Taliban reporter with a male voice, as heard in the video, explained: "We told them there are 18 armed fighters and the Americans said that's alright."

While one of the helicopters overhead landed, Bergdahl was then led by two men towards the U.S. military. One of the men leading Bergdahl released held him by the hand, while the other one wavied a white cloth tied to a wooden stick.

Reuters reports that most of the Taliban men who had Bergdahl released had their faces covered with scarves. The two men together with Bergdahl were greeted by three men who shook their hands and led Bergdahl by the arm towards the helicopter. The video of Bergdahl released ended as the helicopter took off and the message "Don' come back to Afghanistan" appeared.

The Guardian reports that the 28-year-old is now staying at a military hospital in Germany. He is currently going through physical and mental assessments.

According to NBC News, despite the swap and having Bergdahl released, it was reportedly criticized by members of Congress saying that the Obama administration violated the law by not informing Congress beforehand of the move. According to some lawmakers, the decision to relocate Guantanamo detainees would have meant "negotiating with terrorists."

To watch the Taliban video of Bergdahl released, click " target="_blank">here.

Meanwhile, the authenticity of the video of Bergdahl released could still not be immediately verified. However, spokesman for Pentagon, RADM John Kirby, have told NBC News that there was "no reason to doubt the authenticity" of the clip. Kirby said, "U.S. officials are currently reviewing the video, but our focus right now is in getting Bergdahl the care he needs."

Bergdahl released happened in exchange of five militants who are now in the custody of the tiny Gulf emirate of Qatar. In the Bergdahl released video, the five militants are also shown arriving in Qatar, where they were greeted warmly as a Taliban victory song plays in the background.

Afghanistan, World news
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