Sex at Sochi-- The Olympic Event Behind Closed Doors

Feb 20, 2014 02:18 PM EST

What could be more erotic than curling, more passionate than figure skating, and about as safe as skeleton luge? It seems one of the biggest stories to arise from this years Winter Olympic games in Sochi don't have anything to do with the events at all, but the extracurricular activities the Olympians are indulging in.

From Tinder lighting up the Olympic games, to a some pretty kinky footage with something called Pussy Riot, Sochi may be the hottest winter games since...every other Olympic event in history. Think about the history of the games -- hot, greasy men and young boys wrestling between a fig branch. Sex pretty much is the original olympic event.

And at least in modern times Olympic officials accept that fact. According to no less an authority than TMZ, Sochi Olympic officials will have 100,000 condoms to give out to the athletes in three different Olympic villages. And they'll need them for all the Olympic action. But is all that fooling around affecting Olympic performance? Does sex affect your daily performance? Probably not.

The above video is from the Onion News Network, a reliable (cough) news source. And though it's a tongue in cheek portrayal of the  Olympic games, it's a refreshing reminder that we all need to step back and take ourselves a little less seriously.

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